
NanoOK RT functionality is included within the core NanoOK software. However, NanoOK repoRTer is available as a separate tool.

The RT functionality should be considered alpha software. As such, it only supports the SLURM scheduler, via the supplied slurmit script. We plan to provide support for other schedulers in the near future.

Running NanoOK RT

To run NanoOK RT, you must specify the ‘rt’ option to nanook and specify a process file, for example:

nanook rt -t 8 -process processfile.txt -log log.txt -timeout 10000 -templateonly


  • -t specifies the number of execution threads to use.
  • -process specifies the name of a process file (see below).
  • -log optionally specifies a log file.
  • -timeout sets the time after which NanoOK will exit if it hasn’t seen a new read to process.
  • -templateonly specifies only process template reads.

Process files

Process files define the actions that NanoOK RT will carry out for each read. An example is shown below:

Sample:BAMBI\_P8\_2D\_Local\_070317 Extract:fasta

The line beginning ‘Sample:’ defines the sample directory - this can be relative from the current directory (this case) or absolute (beginning with a ‘/’).

The next section defines read extraction. The Extract line asks for FASTA extraction and the Fast5Dir specifies the location of the fast5 files (like the -f option of standard NanoOK).

Note: NanoOK RT looks at the fast5 directory structure in order to work out the origin of the basecalled .fast5 files (Metrichor, MinKNOW, Albacore), so you must either create this structure before running NanoOK RT, or only run NanoOK RT after some reads have been output.

The final section defines BLAST processes. The ReadsPerBlast defines the chunk size. Then each Blast process consists of the following:
