NanoOK tutorial

  1. Follow the installation instructions to install NanoOK on your system. Docker and a VM are also options.

  2. Download the example E. coli dataset from and uncompress:

    tar -xvf nanook_ecoli_500.tar.gz
  3. Change into the directory:

    cd nanook_ecoli_500
  4. Index the reference with LAST:

    cd references
    lastdb -Q 0 ecoli_dh10b_cs ecoli_dh10b_cs.fasta
    cd ..
  5. Extract FASTA:

    nanook extract -s N79596_dh10b_8kb_11022015
  6. Perform alignments:

    nanook align -s N79596_dh10b_8kb_11022015 -r references/ecoli_dh10b_cs.fasta
  7. Generate a report:

    nanook analyse -s N79596_dh10b_8kb_11022015 -r references/ecoli_dh10b_cs.fasta -passonly
  8. View the PDF file inside N79596_dh10b_8kb_11022015/latex